Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Concept of health

In this fast changing world, everybody strike to achieve success in whatever they are involved. I am not going to touch on external value for example self confident, perseverance, concentration or hard work and so on which is important requirement to take you to the top of your world.

Health is the point that we are going to discuss here and in fact health itself is quite general and it cover a wide aspects. This generic word health could include healthy foods, healthy mind or lifestyle.

If we are weak and sick, we are unable to achieve anything as physically we are incapable to carry out any task enthusiastically and definitely it will affect the chances to succeed. To me, the basic is to provide our body with healthy and nutrious foods to our body systems so that the body can function at optimum level.

Healthy foods supplement is of great important but without healthy mind, it still can expose us to sick. I consider healthy mind is the internal thing which is equally important aspect that we must possess. Always think positive and research reveal that positive thinker achieve more than pessimists.

Good and healthy lifestyle such as sleep early and exercise regularly will make sure that we live longer. We have to prevent taking drugs, heavy smoking or drinking that will put our life in danger.

We are responsible for our own body and we take good care of it, nobody is going to away from it.

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