Sunday, May 17, 2009


The word protein actually comes from the Greek word meaning' I am first '. It is the first and most important nutrient in our diet, and we cannot live without it.

All living things, both plants and animals, need protein to grow. Children are still growing, and need protein to build up the millions of body cells which form muscles, skin, nerves, and body organ. Although adults have stopped growing, they still need protein to replace and renew worn-out or damaged body cells.

When the skin is cut, new cells must be formed to heal the wound. If more protein is eaten than the body needs for growth and  repair, the spare protein is broken down and used for energy.

Protein is found in all living things, plants and animals. Some foods are better sources of protein than others. Animal foods which are good sources of protein include meat, fish, cheese, eggs, and milk.

Vegetable foods which are good sources of protein include the seeds of plants such as peas, beans, cereals, nuts, and rice.

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